VoterInsite is a platform designed to help voters make informed decisions by providing
data-driven insights on political candidates, including their transparency scores, ethical index,
and alignment with your values through our Candidate Matching Graph.
2. How does the Candidate Matching Graph work?
The Candidate Matching Graph analyzes your responses to key policy questions and matches them
against the stated positions of candidates, providing a percentage-based match score.
3. What is the Transparency Score?
The Transparency Score measures a candidate's openness about funding sources, policy consistency,
and willingness to disclose information to the public.
4. How is the Ethical Index calculated?
The Ethical Index evaluates a candidate's alignment between their actions and stated policies,
funding sources, and adherence to ethical standards in campaign financing.
5. How do I update my profile information?
You can update your profile information by logging in and visiting the Profile page, where you
can edit your email, preferences, and password.